
Tonight’s “She Talked” is no doubt going to leave you wanting to hear more from this amazing lady – I actually sent her a note saying “I cant wait to meet you in person and hear more of your story!”. The good news for anyone living in Adelaide – she has a fabulous gig happening at the Fringe so jump on over and learn more about her show and business. Its all about the JOY factor x x Lisa

What is the best thing in your life that takes up most of your “thought” life? – The Joy Protocol: synthesising my comedy coaching and training to teach people how to get the best from life, because it’s not difficult, it will benefit them and their loved ones and using the ripple effect it will spread positive influence around the world.

If you could go back and tell your 15yr old self one thing, what would it be?
Trust your instincts.

What is the most helpful piece of advice anyone has given you?
In my late 20s after a bit of a breakdown I was undergoing Counselling. For the first six months I seemed to do nothing but cry during the sessions and I asked my Counsellor if I would ever stop. She told me that when you delve into the depths of your sadness and it feels like you’ll never get out, not to worry and keep going. She said it is like jumping into a swimming pool and going down down down, but one day your feet will touch the bottom of the pool and you will push up up up to the surface, and if you’ve done the work properly, you will never have to go to those depths again. I have found that to be so true, and a comforting knowledge to take with me through life.

If you created a bumper bar sticker what would it say?
“I’m upright and breathing – everything else is a bonus” – my way of saying ‘no excuses’

What do you do to relieve stress?
I watch Coronation Street with a G&T

What is one tip you would give for balancing your personal and professional life?
Accept that when you are passionate about something you will probably not have balance in life. Negotiate with your loved ones on that and when you are with them be fully present and loving.

Famous five you would invite to your place for dinner?
Jane Austen
Banjo Paterson
Emma Thompson
Clive James
Peter Capaldi

When I look back on my life I wish…
I’d written my thoughts and feelings down a lot more. I’m fascinated looking back at old diary entries, but I wasn’t consistent with them.

When you are down in the dumps how do you get yourself back up?
I work out why I feel that way and give myself time to feel the feelings. Then after the allocated time I work out what parts of the situation I have any control and influence over. I then fix what I can and engage gratitude, positivity and action, to get back on an even keel.

What couldn’t you live without?
I actually find this question really difficult to answer! There are a lot of things I love to have (great coffee, quality gin, a nice place to live) but one of the things that the events of my life has taught me is that barring death and fatal illness I can live and survive without most of the things we take for granted – I find I’m not attached to anything so much that I couldn’t live without it.

What is one of the proudest moments of your life?
I’m lucky that I have a few, so I can’t pick just one! They would be; when my son was born, marrying my beautiful husband in 2009, when we won the Adelaide Fringe People’s Choice award in 2007 for Titters! and the day I became an Australian Citizen – I had lived here when I was a teenager but my parents decided to take me back to Scotland when I was 16 without taking out citizenship. I was heartbroken. The day I became a citizen on 17 July 2001 was the day I felt complete. I will always be Scottish, and I will now always be Australian too.

What is your definition of success and/or failure?
Success – when it’s a win for everyone and ecological (good for self, loved ones and the world in general).
Failure – no such thing as failure, only feedback!

What is one of the most challenging seasons of your life and what got you through?
When I was eight months pregnant with my son a policeman came to our flat one morning and handed over a warrant for my then-husband’s arrest. That day I found out that our entire life together was a tissue of lies, the flat we lived in was not owned by him, we did not have an investment property, he was in debt, he had no job (even though he had been leaving the house every morning) and so on. I was terrified and distressed and he was so contrite I didn’t leave.

Then when my son was three months old my mum passed away. My body shut down in so many ways and I underwent a kind of breakdown. My period, which had just started after the pregnancy stopped again. I walked past a travel agent one morning and they had an unusual poster in their window – a large plain sheet of paper written on in black marker pen and it said “Fly To Adelaide”. I looked at it and decided I would. My sister still lived here and I knew this was a healing place for me.

We were totally skint – didn’t even have the money for the bus fare home from town – but I managed to borrow some money and book flights for us so that four months later we landed here for a month’s R&R. My feelings that Adelaide was a healing place for me proved true when my period started again four days after arrival. I regained my strength, stamina and resolve here, and went back to Glasgow to create a better life for myself, my son and my widowed dad. I emigrated here with son, dad and ex four years later – the month I paid off the loan I took out for that initial trip!

What gets you fired up?
Cruelty – especially to vulnerable beings – animals, children and the elderly. We have no right to be cruel. We do have a responsibility to care for them.

Which three things would you take on an island for one week?
Assuming food, shelter etc. is taken care of I’d take a copy of Stephen Mitchell’s translation of the Tao Te Ching (I use that book a lot!), a G&T kit (Tanqueray and Schweppes) and pen and paper.

What book are you reading at the moment?
Flourish by Martin Seligman. Love it!

What has been your favourite travel destination and why?
Glencoe in Scotland. I have to go there every time I’m back in the UK. Ancient mountains in a deep glen with a haunting history. I reconnect with a part of my soul up there in the Western Highlands.

What character of a movie would you LOVE to play?
Shirley Valentine! I love Willy Russell’s writing – he writes so well for women. And Shirley’s story is the story of so many men and women who have got into a rut and lost their passion for life. The story shows how it can be regained and how it is possible to revitalize long term relationships. And it’s very funny. Quite perfect, really!

In your business, what is the most rewarding experience?
Watching clients take what they learn and running with it. One coaching client came to me just over a year ago wanting to switch careers to work with and for children. She worked hard at her coaching homework and this week commenced work as the CEO of one of SA’s largest Children’s charities, and that’s just one story amongst the many. Very proud of my lovely clients!

What is something not many know about you?
I’m a qualified hairdresser, a trained actor, and I wrote the copy for the advertising for the first sponsored television program in the UK!

For more information on Maggie’s upcoming Fringe show jump on over:
The Joy Protocol