More than just “Mummy”


One of the greatest joys in my life is being a mum.  I will always be a mum. The joys of that are never far from my mind because I experience them everyday (well most days).  However sometimes what we do forget is the “she” part of us – the woman, who is a mother and so much more. But, because we can go so long without thinking or practicing the ‘so much more’ part we can forget what that actually is.

I often reflect on the lioness, whenever she kills something in the wild she feasts first and then the cubs have what is left over. She doesn’t eat first because she thinks she is most important, she knows that if she doesn’t sustain herself then she can’t sustain and protect her cubs.  I think this metaphor is beautiful and worth reflecting on for all mothers; if you put time and energy into YOURSELF then everyone benefits! Why? Simply because you feel more alive!

So how do we ‘feed’ ourselves? Tough question when I spend most days putting a baby to sleep, transporting his sister to and from kindy, and doing a continuous clean up of my kitchen! If I get a latte in its a great day! But I know how much better I feel (and am) as a mum, wife, friend and everything else if I manage to ‘feed’ myself at some point.  Even the occasional walk at the beach, shallot cakes with my bestie, dip in the ocean with my husband, or shaking my booty at my friends chakra dance class all feed that ‘she’ part of me.  They put a spring back in my step and remind me of who I am as a woman and what I love. Without question that is my family, but I love friends, eating out, dancing, movies and deep and meaningful conversations too!

So when we make our way out of the baby haze and start to ponder, “Who am I now?” it can be an exciting time.  The more time you spend with yourself the easier these answers will be to find.  We want to meld the beauty that motherhood has brought to our lives with the essence of who we are.

So the questions I will leave you with are:

1. How do/can you ‘feed’ yourself?

2. Who are you, and what do you want your life to be about?

Rebecca Paul is a Principal Counsellor at Eshé Counselling. She has been counselling for over 10 years and is passionate about helping individuals achieve the best LIFE possible. Rebecca specialises in all things “she” related including marriage and relationships and provides the space and expertise for women navigating through a variety of issues. You can see her website here or book an appointment by calling her on this number 0433 792 705